Special offer: free creation of your e-shop with no cost or commitment.

Welcome to CLYCKY !

Click & collect, click & delivery, click to order and QR code menu

Approved by the French Government

Create and manage your business in a few clicks

Notifications in real time when a customer makes an order or an appointment from the Clycky app.

Instant update of the order status (confirmed, in preparation, ready!) and of your connected agenda.

View of customer order history, statistics and key figures of your establishment.

Clycky supports you







Local producers

Local producers





Healthcare professionals

Healthcare professionals

A 100% customized solution to meet your needs!

Creation & customization

of your web page (your logo, graphic charter, etc.).

Better knowledge

of your customers thanks to the follow-up of their consumption habits.

Appointment management

thanks to your connected agenda.

Creation and sending

of personalized campaigns to customers (events, promotions...).

Sales and users tracking

in real time per establishment.

Users' feedback

on your establishment, your products, your services...

No-waste by Clycky

notify your customers of the unsold items of the day.

Your digitized menus

to ensure your safety and that of your customers

Interéssé(e) ? Remplissez le formulaire, nos équipes vous recontacteront dans les plus brefs délais.
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